
Art + Sensory

Painting with blues and silvers to create Star of David
Painting with shades of blue, white, and silver

Painting a menorah
Can create a paper plate menorah or a handprint menorah

Hanukkah Sensory Bin
Sensory bin will have white and blue rice, dreidels, gelt (coins), candles and tea lights

Music and Movement

I’m a Little Latke (to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)


I’m a Little Latke Round and Flat 
(make a round circle with your arms in front of you)
This is my front side, 
point to your stomach)
this is my back
(point to your back)
When I am all ready, take a bite 
(put your hands up to your mouth and pretend to take a bite and say Mmmm)
Eat me up on Hanukkah night
(put up both hands with four fingers on each hand like the 8 nights of Hanukkah).

 Five Little Latkes (to the tune of Five Little Monkeys)


Tell the children that during Hanukkah families eat potato pancakes called Latkes.  

Let’s Make some Latkes together
Pretend to hold a frying pan.
Pour some oil in the pan.
Ask the children:
“what sound does it make when the oil gets hot?”
Make a sizzling sound.
“Let’s chop up some potatoes”
Make a chopping sound
“Put them in the pan.”
“Let’s chop up some onions”
Make a chopping sound
“Put them in the pan.”
“Put some salt and pepper in the pan”
Pretend to shake salt and pepper pots
“A little touch of flour”
Pretend to sprinkle in some flour
“Crack an egg”
Pretend to crack an egg
“Stir them all around - what sound is it making on the stove?”
Do a sizzling sound.

Then sing:

Five Little Latkes Sizzling in a Pan
Hold up five fingers
One jumps out and says “catch me if you can”
Make a circle with both hands as if hands are jumping up and then put palms up as you say “catch me if you can”
It ran and it ran and it ran a little more
Do running movement with hands
I tried my best to catch it
Clap hands together
But it ran right out the door
Point to the door

Four Little Latkes Sizzling in a Pan …
Three Little Latkes Sizzling in a Pan

Sing Twinkle Twinkle Hanukkah Nights (to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)


Twinkle Twinkle Hanukkah Nights
Wiggle four fingers on each hand like 8 candles
Shining brightly for 8 nights
Put both arms up and above head and make circle and then hold up four fingers on each hand
Spin the dreidel round and round
Do a circle with one hand as if holding a dreidel and spinning it
Eat the latkes crisp and brown
Put both hands up to mouth as if holding a latke
Twinkle Twinkle Hanukkah Nights
Wiggle four fingers on each hand like 8 candles
Shining brightly for 8 nights
Put both arms up and above head and make circle and then hold up four fingers on each hand


Click here for a link to a Spotify Playlist with Hanukkah Songs