

Open Play Ideas

Stoplight Bean Bag Toss - this might be a little easier if we used red, yellow, and green trays for the children to throw the bean bags on

Tissue Box Car Wash

Card Stock Tunnels


Action Songs for Circle or Music Time


The Wheels on the Bus

Row Row Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

I'm a Little Airplane

to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot"

I’m a little airplane, way up high,
(Hold hand up to forehead to shade eyes looking into the sky and point with other hand)

With my great big silver wings, watch me fly!
(Hold arms out like wings and tilt them side to side)

When the pilot tells me, I’ll come down,
(Hold hands over both ears like you’re holding the radio headphones (earmuffs) pilots wear)

Swooping and gliding, to the ground.
(Hold arms out like wings and spin in a circle, then kneel on the ground)

Down by the Station

Down by the station
Early in the morning
See the little train cars
All in a row
See the station master
Turn the little handle
Puff, puff, toot, toot
Off we go!

I’ve Been Working on the Railroad

I've been workin' on the railroad,
All the live long day.
I've been workin' on the railroad,
Just to pass the time away.
Can't you hear the whistle blowing?
Rise up so early in the morn.
Can't you hear the captain shoutin'
"Dinah, blow your horn?"

Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow your horn, you horn?
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow,
Dinah, won't you blow your horn?

Hey, someone's in the kitchen with Dinah.
Someone's in the kitchen, I know.
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Strumming on the old banjo.

And singing, fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o.
Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o-o-o-o.
Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o.
Strumming on the old banjo.

Art Project Ideas

Painting with Cars

Sensory Bin

Transportation Theme Sensory Bin - air, water, and road vehicles
(we will use something other than water beads for the water transport bin as the water beads will go everywhere!)

Yoga Ideas
